• Question: Do you think that it is possible that my blue might be your yellow, or your green might be my pink?

    Asked by rosieapple to Ailsa, Evan, James, Kath, Ryan on 21 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Ryan Ladd

      Ryan Ladd answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      I’ve often wondered about this question myself! Unfortunately, I don’t know the answer… I think it’s possible but there’s no way to test it that I can think of.

    • Photo: Ailsa Powell

      Ailsa Powell answered on 17 Jun 2011:

      Like Ryan and yourself, it’s something I’ve thought about before.

      I’m not sure it would be as extreme as your example (except maybe in severe colour blindness) but I think it’s entirely possible that we each have different perception of colours.

      Say we remove colour blindness from the equation. A group of people may all be able to agree that the colour of something was blue, but each would have a slightly different perception on the shade of blue. Even if you knew the exact wavelength of the blue colour and knew it was one colour of light and not a range of wavelengths, I think we may all see something a little different, like a lighter shade or with slight green hue to it.

      I’m no expert in this area but I suspect it would be incredibly difficult to prove and no one is wrong, my perception of blue means something to me as does your perception of the same colour but we could never see what the other sees. This is touching on a philosophical concept know as the philosophy of perception.

      I hope that answers your question and I haven’t confused you – turning philosophical thoughts around in your head can get pretty confusing 🙂

    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 21 Jun 2011:

      Definitely. And I disagree with Ryan and Ailsa on this one and think you could test it. Let’s think about it how we “see” something? Well the same blue light goes into my eye as it goes into yours. Then a lens in your eye focuses the light onto the back of your eyeball. Now of course your lens and eyeball shape will be different to mine so I’m pretty sure that you could think a slightly different colour to me is what is blue. But that’s a slight difference, what about seeing red as blue and things like that. Well, the image formed at the back of your eye is sent along your optic nerve and that goes to your brain and tells it “there is something blue over there”. But of course there are many signals like this going to the brain, for all different colours. I’d be surprised if these signals could not get mixed up. I know that even weirder things happen. For example have you heard of synaesthesia (wonder if I’ve spelt that right!)? This is where light is experienced as sounds or even smells by people! Yes I know it sounds strange but many people experience it. To me it seems more extreme than just mixing colours so I would not be surprised if your blue was my yellow! 😀
