• Question: do you think that the oort cloud exists?

    Asked by xxxx98 to Evan on 24 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 24 Jun 2011:

      Well there is some evidence that the Oort Cloud does exist. For those that don’t know this is a cloud of material outside our solar system which astronomers think exists. They think it because there are comets that seem to come from there and also there are a few very far out objects which we think are part of it. The best example is Sedna, which is a dwarf planet that orbits the Sun at a very very large distance, several times more distant than Neptune (the farthest planet). Something like the Oort cloud is needed to explain where things like this, and some comets, come from. But of course we need to keep gathering evidence, and that is why astronomers are always searching for things like this.
