• Question: Hi What is your opinion on the latest black hole theory regarding black holes, which form in the meeting points of dark matter? Thank You Will

    Asked by 08wjeffrey to Evan on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      Hi 08wjeffrey! I have not heard about this! Can you tell me more? I want to learn too! You probably know that some scientists think that dark matter has a “filamentary” structure – that means it kind of looks like a spider web (they call it the “cosmic web”). Dark matter has mass so theoretically you could make a black hole out of dark matter. Although the best way to make black holes is when a very massive star dies, but this is made from normal matter, not “dark” matter.

      But a black hole formed like this could “eat” some dark matter, and as there is dark matter at the meeting points of the “cosmic web” I guess it could happen here. Hmmm, that is my guess, but as I said I hadn’t heard about this very latest black hole theory! I hope you answer MY question and tell me more about it so I can learn about it! 😀
