• Question: How do we feel pain?

    Asked by 09peased to Evan, James on 24 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 24 Jun 2011:

      It’s a defense mechanism, like a warning from your brain. If you put your hand on a hot oven top you feel pain – it’s like your brain saying “stop doing that!!” If you break your leg and you try to run you will tremendous pain, as your brain only wants what is best for you, in that case rest. Interestingly your brian can turn off pain if it needs to. For instance it would be pretty painful to run through fire while getting shot with glass fragments but your body might release some adrenalin and cortisol so that you don’t feel the pain. That would be useful if you needed to escape a burning building or something! 😀
