• Question: how much earwax can a person produce in a lifetime the3 first to answer will get my vote

    Asked by chloe99 to Ailsa, Evan, James, Kath, Ryan on 13 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      That is a pretty gross question! And I don’t know the answer as I am not an earwaxologist (ya, I made that word up) but I bet it is a lot. Actually my guess is that it is very different from person to person. Are you wondering if you can make a candle out of it? … ugh … I think I need to stop thinking about this! Yuk!


    • Photo: James Hargreaves

      James Hargreaves answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      Oh Goodness, – I think this is a question for one of the other scientists – I’ll admit i dont know much about the human body!

    • Photo: Ailsa Powell

      Ailsa Powell answered on 13 Jun 2011:

      I just tried to do some quick research on this and can’t find an answer… I have a feeling Evan has looked in the same places as me 😉

      I thought about how much earwax might come out of my ears and wished that at some point I thought about measuring the volume… but I never have. And I presume that other people will produce different amounts of earwax and that will vary at different points in your life. So I think to work this out we would have to get a lot of people to measure the volume of earwax over a reasonable period (say a year) and then we would have an average amount of earwax production in a year and then we’d have to decide of a reasonable lifespan and work it out from there.

      This is a bit icky though and I’m not sure it’s an experiment I would like to do 🙂
