• Question: if we evoled from primates, does this mean one day monkeys and other primates could evolve into somthing similar to us?

    Asked by james68 to Ryan, Kath, James, Evan, Ailsa on 20 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by olimar13.
    • Photo: Ryan Ladd

      Ryan Ladd answered on 18 Jun 2011:

      Animals evolve due to pressures in their environment. The need for food or to escape predators, for example. For monkeys to evolve into something similar to humans they would have to be exposed to pretty much the exact same situations as human’s ancestors were for thousands and thousands of years.

      I think this is almost impossible now, as the world has changed so hugely since the time when humans were evolving.

    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      This is of course possible, but I don’t think it is likely. Like Ryan said, things are different on Earth now. Humans are the most dominant species by A LOT. I can’t see any species getting close to us now. We have for the first time the power to make species extinct but I hope we don’t! With great power comes great responsibility and I hope we are wise enough to let monkeys and other primates live on this planet with us, even if they will not evolve to be like us. 🙂
