• Question: What is the average distance from were you'r standing to the horizon?

    Asked by gummybear to Ailsa on 23 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Ailsa Powell

      Ailsa Powell answered on 23 Jun 2011:

      Now this will depend on how tall you are, what you are standing on and what’s in the way of the horizon (eg trees or hills).

      There is a lot of geometry involved in calculating this but on average if you were 5ft 7, standing on level ground with nothing in the way, you would see 5km (3.1miles).

      If you were standing in a tower or hill that was 30m high and there was nothing in the way, you would see roughly 21km (13miles).

      And if you were really really high up, say standing on a 7000m mountain and there was nothing in the way you would be able to see 320km (200miles).

      So the higher up you go, the further you see 🙂
