• Question: When was the first treatment for Malaria discovered and what was it?

    Asked by 08reyre to Ailsa on 19 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: Ailsa Powell

      Ailsa Powell answered on 19 Jun 2011:

      The first treatment for Malaria was quinine and it was first used to treat Malaria nearly 400 years ago. It remained the medicine of choice to treat Malaria until about 70 years ago! It is now reserved to be used only against the most severe cases of Malaria when other treatments have failed. Although some of the newer antimalarial drugs are still based on quinine.

      Quinine is also found in tonic water and in fact this is how it’s therepeutic properties were discovered, when Europeans noticed Peruian Indians mixing a tree bark with sugar and water to treat shivering due to temperatures. This mixture is tonic water!
