• Question: when will the world end

    Asked by robbie09 to Ailsa, Evan, James, Kath, Ryan on 20 Jun 2011. This question was also asked by jackmorris, ryanmansell, jamesparker, emilyadcock, catherinetongue, assassinskreed.
    • Photo: Ryan Ladd

      Ryan Ladd answered on 18 Jun 2011:

      I’m not sure anyone really knows the answer to this question! What do you mean by “end”? I think the sun will burn out all it’s hydrogen in about 5 billion years at which time it’ll start to burn helium and become a red giant, at which point it’ll swallow the Earth! I think that’s pretty final!

      Chances are though, humans will be long gone before that happens!

    • Photo: Evan Keane

      Evan Keane answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      The Sun will expand in about 4.5 billion years and certainly destroy the Earth, if it is still there. Also, our Galaxy, the Milky Way, may collide with the Andromeda Galaxy before that, and that might have all kinds of effects like kicking Earth out of its orbit (and that would be bad for humans living on it). But in a few billion years surely we will have moved on from Earth and be living in other places!

      Of course, in the mean time, the Earth is much more likely to be destroyed by humans much sooner than that, as we tend to have wars all the time and our weapons are now so dangerous that we have enough to kill everybody on the planet 🙁

    • Photo: Ailsa Powell

      Ailsa Powell answered on 20 Jun 2011:

      Well as Evan and Ryan have pointed out, as long as we look after the planet, the world won’t be ending soon. The expanding and galaxies colliding are all a long way off, so no need to worry 🙂
