• Question: Why do people think that vegtibles are healthy?

    Asked by morgana97 to James on 15 Jun 2011.
    • Photo: James Hargreaves

      James Hargreaves answered on 15 Jun 2011:

      hey morgana97,

      people think vegetables are healthy, because in general they are. Vegetables are full of vitamins that can keep you healthy. Remember though that the way you cook vegetables can loose the vitamins. Vitamin C for instance is what we call a “unstable vitamin”. This means that if it gets too hot, the vitamins will be killed. Thats why its best to cook vegetables for the shortest amount of time, or eat them raw. If your going to eat vegetable raw though, make sure you wash them to get rid of any nasty bugs that might be on them.

      There are lots of other healthy foods apart from vegetables though. I believe everything is good for you (even sweets and crisps) aslong as you eat them in small amounts.

      Whats your favourite vegetable? – I love carrots 🙂 (make you see in the dark you see hehe)
